ひさしぶり!Long time no see!

Well, it certainly has been some time since I last updated. Several reasons, the main one being – I’m not really into all this blogging. But I have recently heard that I do actually get readers. So here goes nothin’.


On the [Kitchen Adventures] series: If you’re wondering why there does not seem to be a lot of variation in what I make – that’s because I use up all existing ingredients before going out to buy some new ones.


Beef, Veggies, RiceRice, Sausages, Egg, and Spinach

Beef, Beans, RiceSpring Rolls

Pasta, Sausages, Pasta Sauce, TomatoesRice, Egg, Sausages, Tomatoes, Chips

[Book Chronicles]: I’ve definitely been reading more regularly, still not daily, though. 😦

I have this book called How to Study Your Bible Workbook. I’m trying to go through that, but it takes a lot of time, so I don’t get to  do so often.

I’m considering another series of sorts: it’s gonna be called “Shopping Cart” and it will be about … yep! you guessed it! Groceries!! 🙂

(Give me a break. I like coming up with these names.)

Anyway, I was out grocery shopping the other day, and I was looking for rice. On the shelf with the packs of rice, I saw a pack of Basmati Rice – that made me laugh. I remembered this.




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